Friday, September 14, 2012

Who how? What now?

Someone tried to tell me my life is a test. That I need to "prove" myself. That I need to fix my broken soul.
But I didn't listen.
Tests are for pupils to spit back out the info they saw but never understood
Tests are for insecure teachers so they feel in control.
Tests aren't for life. They aren't for me or for you.
God doesn't give me tests, God gave me the universe and said "Live, Create, Destroy."
Live whole because you are whole, and anyone who tells you otherwise is blinded by Hell
Because Hell is the island of misfit toys
Hell is for "broken" men trying to "fix and find" themselves with red duct tape, and a road map to no where.
Life is for being aware that you are whole
For moving through the pain that can either teach you or blind you
Because as much as we are afraid of him, he is the best teacher we have.
Life, is for living, not mending.

1 comment:

  1. "God Doesn't give me tests, God gave me the universe and said 'Live, Create Destroy.'"

    Stealing this. Genius.
