Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who am I?

Why am I here? I am here to open your minds, to spark your creativity, to show you the world. I am here to give you pain, I am here to make you learn the hard way, and I am here for you to grow. Who am I? I am the heartache, I am the darkness that goes bump in the night, yet I am also the light. I am the light that makes everything worth it, I am the light that exist without you but flows through you. I am the beauty, the love, the hate. I am the murder, the pain a mother feels when her son is sent to jail, and the joy she feels when he has changed his life. I am truth, I am the best teacher you have and the one you all hate, I am Life.


  1. yes, yes, a thousand times yes

  2. I am Jacks small intestine.
    and I will be back to read your future posts.

  3. Wow, way good intro. You already gained my respect.

  4. Wow, that really causes a person to think.

  5. Great post. I was also looking through your top movies and saw its kind of a funny story. If you liked the movie you will absolutely love the book. I recommend you read it.
