Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dear Day Dreamer

I received an interesting letter the other day. It wasn't like most other letters. This one didn't come on paper and it wasn't written in ink. My letter's canvas was the sky, and the ink was the clouds. My letter started like this.
"Hey, I know you like to look up here, so I knew if I had to tell you something, the only way to talk was through looking up. Because I know you never look down. You never look down at me. But I'm here. Being wasted away. 

Listen Day Dreamer, we need to talk. There's some things I need to let out of my soul. First off, you're making me weak, if I go this long without being used I'll crumble, I'll forget what my purpose is. I NEED A PURPOSE. Second of all, stop suffocating me, these double layered body bags you put on me are killing my ability to breath, to feel. Lastly, get your head out of the clouds, and come down to my level. See the trees roots not the branches because you need to focus on the beginning don't dwell on the end. Come down to my level and feel the earth, the dirt, the insects, the leaves, feel the living energy around you, stop staring at the energy you can't touch. Day Dreamer you're turning into a reservoir  you have dirty water inside you; not moving, not changing, just waiting. Please move again, I don't want to turn into a dying bottom dweller. Move Day Dreamer.
You're Feet"

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