Sometimes when i'm sad I put on an essential oil instead of taking pills.
I don't like Microwaves, i think they kill everything good.
I think Ipods self destruct every time a new generation comes out.
I believe you can control what influences your body and what doesn't. It's called agency for a reason, we get to choose.
I think I can do anything I want. Sometimes I think I can fly, but then God says "not yet."
I like to blame parents for peoples problems. But I vomit at the idea of my Saint parents raising a Hellian like me. It's not possible for my parents. But it is for everyone else.
I think we play the victim in this world too much and it's time to be a Warrior and take responsibility for our cuss and move on.
I worship God. Not religion. But I go to church because GOD tells me I need the benefits there.
I think my body hold physical energy and that I can read that energy.
I believe in Chakras, Auras, and Chi because I can feel them. And if I said I didn't believe, i'd be lying to myself.
I like to learn from Animals because I think they cross the street in front of my headlights and just stare because they are trying to tell me something.
I think Marijuana should legal because it's not the Marijuana that's addicting. It's the escape it gives you that keeps you going back. Stop fixing the symptoms and heal the disease.
I wanted Ron Paul for president. I don't think he's crazy.
This is me. These are my opinions I don't express because human confrontation makes me feel aged. But this is the freak who's best friend at school is Sue. And this is the freak that spins in her room for fun. I'm the freak. and this is me. ?
My favorite line:
ReplyDelete"they cross the street in front of my headlights and just stare because they are trying to tell me something."
I absolutly love this. You make me jealous.
ReplyDelete"I think I can do anything I want. Sometimes I think I can fly, but then god say "not yet."
I loved that. But I honestly just loved the whole thing.