Monday, October 29, 2012


Smile at your mom
Smile at your dad
Smile at a homeless man
Smile at a stranger in a pea-coat
Smile at a cute guy
Smile at a hott girl
Smile at a McDonald's worker
Smile at a teacher
Smile at a student
Smile at toddler
Smile at a baby
Smile at a pregnant lady
Smile at the sun
Smile at the moon, then howl
Smile at the trees
Smile at water
Smile at the Devil, then laugh.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


write. paint. dance. sing. live.

Write because no one will hear what you have to say, but they all want to see what you mean. Write because   life sucks sometimes all you have is pen and paper, they'll never leave you. Write because everyone wants their voice to be heard and everyone's ears are plugged into Apple. Write because it's beautiful.

Paint because you're a mute and you can't make people stop and stare unless you have a canvas and brush in hand. Paint because your eyes see the world in color while everyone else is stuck in gray. Paint because you're throwing your soul on White and it is beautiful.

Dance because the only thing you know how to do is move. Dance to show everyone who says they can't they are liars. Dance because nothing makes you feel more alive then 1,2, step. Dance because no one will listen and no one will see but you will make them all watch.Dance because movement is the same in all countries. Dance because you're not afraid to show the world you're beautiful.

Sing because music connects every heart. Sing because you want to be heard and you're tired of no one listening. Sing because it opens the soul and everyone has forgotten where they placed there's. Sing because it feels natural. Sing because every voice has it's own pitch in this symphony we call life; and no matter how ugly is gets, it'll still beautiful.

Live and create. create your life then Destroy. and begin again.

Friday, October 19, 2012

You have been given Direct Orders

You've been given direct orders to loose yourself. 

Loose yourself like you've just found love for the first time, and no one told you life is pain. Loose yourself like you're favorite song came on the radio and the world disappeared for a moment. Loose yourself like Enya came to your yoga class and did a live performance. Loose yourself like it's senior year and you just graduated and you actually KNOW what you want to do with your life. Loose yourself like it's senior year and you just graduated and you don't give a cuss about what you're gonna do; you're just gonna live your life. Loose yourself like for the first time you're not depressed, for the first time you're not worried about washing your hand ten times a day, like the universe blew up, and nothing matters but this moment. Loose yourself like you just told you're oppressor "screw you". Loose yourself like you just came off the corner because you're tired to being treated like cuss and you got a real job (where my money at?) Loose yourself like a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon is showing all weekend and you have no plans. Loose yourself like you just turned into Picasso and you're in a room full of paint and a white wall. Loose yourself like there's no crime, no pain, the anarchist just seized the day and the only thing that matters is this moment, this life.

Loose- free or released from fastening or attachment. Free from anything that binds or restrains.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Let me be a SuperHero for just 5 seconds please

I've been thinking about life
I've been thinking about why children go without parents and why parents go without love
I've been thinking about why little boys get abused and why girls get raped
I've been thinking about why Africa is starving and America is fat
Why Ukraine has orphanages and why we need orphanages in the first place
Why a mother says goodnight to her boy and is only thinking about the next hit
The next rush the next time she feels alive. Because this life is too hard, and she can't live in it's reality, she's dead.
I ask myself why because I want to know how, and I question who.
I ask myself why because I need to fix it. I need to fix everyone; why can't I fix everyone?
Why aren't my hands good enough to save the world?

I need to be a superhero. I need a super power. Maybe I could be invisible and catch the robber. Or have super strength and hand cuff the killer. Or I could send food out of the sky so no one starves anymore.
I need to be a superhero, but is there a power that heals the heart?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

No amount of duct tape

I went to our spot today.
That swing we made up on the hill.
Where we used to go to feel free, to dream, to create.
We used to stay up there for hours just thinking and dreaming what our lives would be, who we'd become, what would make us special.
But one day something changed. We grew up, got old. Our dreams of empty canvases were pushed out of us and replaced with lines and pencils.
I kept my Canvas in my head and showed my lined paper on my skin, just the surface though.
But you disappeared. You turned to charcoal inside, your paint dried, your canvas cracked and your heart broke. And all at once I knew I lost you, and you knew you lost yourself. So you decided to get lost and never come back. Your body..bleeding and broken and no amount of duct tape could fix you or the part of me you took with you.
Somehow our swing still sways up on that hill. I come up here everyday because i'll never forget our dreams, and our lives. I'll swing up here until the day I can touch you again. Because you and me and ou swing; we were alive, and we were infinite.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Life and Hell

Dear Life,
I'm mad at you. I keep trying to plan you and I try to plan every day I have with you. But you always fall through! You just don't listen to anything I say. We have no communication. You just do whatever you want without even asking me first. Why can't you cooperate with me? I mean seriously, is it that hard to ask for just a little help? I hate you.

Dear Idiot trying to "plan" me
You can't plan spontaneity. I don't abide your schedule or your agenda nor anyone else's, and let me tell you, you're not the first to try. And every time I see someones world crumbling down because they can't adapt. I just count the tally and move on. If you hate me then I hate you. I hope we can still be friends.

This used to be me. I used to obsess about getting my way. I wanted my life to go exactly how I wanted and I wanted it all. But one day my life came crumbling. My family went to Hell, and we've gone to Hell so many times we have our own living space there. It was like a home away from home, "Welcome back...again" was planked on our Hell home.  But Going to Hell taught me some things.

I learned to learn from Pain, Hell taught me to listen to Pain, because it's a just a lesson i'm learning the hard way.
I learned to heal, heal because Life has this thing called Law of Attraction. And if I didn't heal fast, i'd only attract wounds. Open sores that no matter how hard I picked at, they would just get worse and worse.
Hell taught me to be adaptable. Because you never know the tricks up the devils sleeve. And as long as I expected everything, I could conquer everything.
I learned about my fears. I came face to face with every last one of them. I wasn't afraid of the dark though  because the dark was my only blanket, the darkness was my mask. It was the light I was afraid of, the light bouncing off the mirrors that showed the world who I was. I was stripped and I had to face myself. But I found that all my fears were just unanswered questions I had. Questions about my ex friend Life, about myself and about everyone around me. Once I answered those questions, there were no longer fears.

So I came back home from our vacation. I came back to Life, and I was ready to change. I was tired of feeling crushed every time something didn't go my way. I brought to Life what I learned from Hell.

Dear Life
I love you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


No one knows what happened that day. The 5th of May.
It's a secret i'm hiding. I'm afraid to let it go. So I've buried it. I've buried deep down in my marrow and I won't bring it up.
Don't look at my face. Don't look at my skin. Because It's a lie; i'm lying to you.

I'm half Chameleon, I get it from my fathers side. I'm still lying to you.
Don't listen to my mouth, because it's just two pieces of skin. And i'm still a Chameleon.

I've kept my secret hidden so well I forget where I put it. But when I lay awake at night I feel it, churning, crippling me from the inside. Because I remember my secret's in my bones, It's whats crippling me. My secret's attacking me, giving me arthritis, not letting me move, live, breathe. It's turning my innocent bones black.

So I try to cover my bones with fat, and clothes and the Sun. I try to hide from my bones by disappearing from my body; just taking a quick break is all. I'll be back in the morning...with a huge headache and vomit. I hide my secret well. I show my family i'm happy, I show my friends i'm hyper, but I can't fool the mirror. Because I know, it's there. And when I don't eat, i'm secretly trying to show my secret. My skin is stretched thin to show the traitor that aches my bones. So maybe someday someone will ask, "What happened to you that day? Why are your bones black?"

My bones are screaming "HELP ME! Because I'm afraid to face the pain on my own. And I just want to be innocent bones again."